Burlington Flats Fish & Game Club By Laws

By Law Number 1 - Management

Section 1
The property and affairs of the club shall be controlled by the four officers and five directors to be elected from its resident members.

Section 2
The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Directors, the Chairmen of the Committees in Sections 9 through 15.

Section 3
The various committee chairmen may select and appoint from the members of the society or club members to assist them in their duties.

Section 4
The officers and various chairmen shall from time to time make rules in accordance with the powers herein given or not herein provided for; take cognizance of all infractions of the Bylaws and Rules; and cause to be prepared annually a general report of the officers of the club. The Board of directors should have the final say in certain club matters, projects and appropriations to be made above the $500 amount.  The board of directors should meet at least 4 times a year.  Any appropriations approved by the board of directors should be documented in minutes at time of the board meeting.

Section 5
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the chairmen; with the Secretary sign all written contracts and obligations, perform the usual duties pertaining to his/her office; and be official member of all committees.

Section 6
The Vice-President shall have all the powers and perform the duties of the President in the latter's absence.

Section 7
The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due and belonging to the club; co-sign all bank checks; have the custody of all the funds, securities, and the title deeds; and pay all bills. The treasurer is allowed to pay all utility bills and insurance without prior approval to maintain timeliness of the payments. Bills can be approved by the members to be paid if under $500.00.  All bills over $500.00 will need to be approved by the board of the directors either through documented board of directors meeting minutes or prior to the club meeting.

Section 8
The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records and conduct the correspondence of the club and its officers, send out all notices as requested by the President, sign all written contracts and obligations, accept bank checks; administer memberships; and perform the usual duties pertaining to the office.

Section 9
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of not more than three members including the chairman. They shall, before each annual meeting, submit to the members of the club their selections for the officers and directors. If necessary, with alternates. Any member may also nominate a ticket from the floor.

Section 10
The Fish & Game Committee can be formed when required and shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to:

  • Obtain as many fish as possible for distribution in our waters and see to their proper distribution. 
  • Their duties are to obtain as many eggs and game as possible, to see that the eggs are hatched and any immature game raised; and to see to their distribution.
  • Report on related activities.   

Section 11
The Shooting Sports Committee can be formed when required and shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to see that adequate provisions are made so that the members may enjoy pistol, rifle, skeet and trap sport activities. They will provide periodic reports on shooting activities.

Section 12
The Membership Committee shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to procure as many people as possible to join the club.

Section 13
The Publicity Committee shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to see that adequate provisions are made to advertise the club activities.

Section 14
The Grievance Committee shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to receive all complaints and suggestions of members and to present them to the directors for consideration at the next regular meeting.

Section 15
The Liaison Committee shall be composed of as many members as the chairman may consider necessary. Their duties are to report on ancillary activities involving the club. 

Section 16
The Ranges and Grounds Committee will consist of all Range and Grounds Committee heads to report the needs for the skeet, trap, F-Class, Sporter Rifle, and Pistol areas.

By Law Number 2 - Meetings

Section 1
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the club each January for election of officers and directors. If no quorum be present the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to any other day or hour.

Section 2
The President may, at his discretion, call a special meeting of the club. Four days notices of the time, place and purpose of such meeting shall be advertised so as to notify each resident member.

Section 3
Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

Section 4
The directors shall hold meetings as needed.  A special meeting may be called at any time by the President and or Secretary and shall be called by him/her upon written request of five directors or managers. There should be at last 4 directors meeting a year minimum to maintain adequate oversite of the club.

Section 5
A majority of the managers at the time in office is a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6
There shall be a regular meeting of the club every 3rd Thursday of each month. This can be altered on an as-needed basis due to holidays or member consensus.

Section 7
Additional regular meeting of the club may be called at any time at the direction of two-thirds of the directors and officers.

By Law Number 3 - Membership

Section 1
Membership is annual and is open to anyone 12 or older.  The club offers two types of membership- Individual Membership and Family Membership (spouses and any children under 21).  Effective 1/1/2024 any Junior Rifle member will now pay a $2.00 fee to become a Junior member of the Burlington Flats Fish Game Club, unless their parents are already a member of said club.

  • Membership period is from January 1st through December 31st. Memberships are not prorated.

Section 2
Members are entitled to use any club facility except when reserved or placed off-limits by club officials. Members are permitted to bring non-member guests for a one-time review /participation of shooting ranges, and then impress they will need a membership for further participation in club activities.   This excludes special activities at the club, i.e., Barbeques, Cancer shoots, etc.  Members may also rent club grounds for events if approved by members at a meeting or the directors.

Section 3
Members and their accompanied guests must comply with club Bylaws and Rules.  Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.

Section 4
By a vote of majority of the directors any member may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled for any conduct deemed by the directors to be detrimental to the club. A copy of the charges preferred against the member shall be served upon him at least ten days before the meeting at which they are to be considered.

By Law Number 4 - Fees

  • Membership fees shall be recommended by the Membership Committee and then submitted for review by the Board of Directors.  If approved, the fee change shall be brought up for a vote at the annual meeting.  The fees may be altered by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting.  
  • Range fees for the use of the Skeet Range, Trap Range, Rifle Range and Pistol Range shall be set by the elected officers and chairman of the Shooting Sports Committee. These fees may be altered by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the club.
  • Club Rental fees shall be recommended by the Board of Directors.  These fees may be altered by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the club.

By Law Number 5 - Voting

  • Any paid (current year) individual or family members 18 of age or older may cast a single vote in any club election. 
  • Members must be present to vote.
  • Members cannot cast votes on behalf of non-present members (individual or family).

By Law Number 6 - Amendments

Amendments of these Bylaws may be proposed at any meeting.  If approved by the directors, the amendments may only be voted on at the next annual meeting.   The vote of two thirds of those present at any such meeting shall be requisite to adopt the proposed amendment. 

These Bylaws were adopted on January 20, 2024 and supersede all previous versions.