NY State Sporterifle

What Is Sporterifle?
Sporterifle is a fun postal target competition shot offhand using .22 caliber rimfire rifles. It was deliberately designed so that people of any skill level can take part. You don't need to be a world class shooter and you don't need a fancy target rifle and ammunition. You can compete using gear you already have on hand.

Burlington Flats is one of several clubs statewide that participate in the shoots. We shoot in our indoor 50ft range on Thursdays in the Fall & Winter, starting at 6pm.

Who Can Participate?
Anyone age 12 or older can participate. All you need is your own .22 rimfire rifle and ammunition. We understand that trying something new can be daunting, so we'll be very happy to help show you the ropes and provide help and pointers if requested/needed. We also understand that some folks won't always be available. This is no problem and it will not hurt our team if you cannot make all of the shoots. You can join in or stop at anytime during the season.

Sporterifle can be challenging, but with time and practice, many people see notable improvements in their offhand shoot abilities (which is arguably the most critical rifle position to develop).

Sporterifle Competitions
Sporterifle consists of two types of competitions. These are the main team-based competition and an iron sights only individual competition. Shooters can shoot either or both. We'll cover each below:

Main Team Competition
Participants may use any .22 caliber (.22 short, .22 long or .22LR) rifle along with any kind of sight, as long as the total combined weight is no more than 7.5 pounds. The only other limitation is that the butt plate cannot curve more than 1/2 inch from tip-to-tip. Adjustable butt plates must be set to a neutral position. If a rifle uses a magazine or tube, it can only be loaded with a single round at a time. Provided the rifle functions safely and meets the above criteria, it can be used in the main Sporterifle shoots.

We shoot in the offhand position using no artificial supports (i.e., no slings, rests, or touching/leaning against anything, etc.). This means the shooter stands erect supporting the rifle with only two hands and a shoulder. There is an exception for female shooters as well as senior male shooters 60 or older: they are permitted to put their elbow/upper portion of their forward arm against their bodies for support. There are also special dispensations that can be made for shooters with disabilities (these are addressed on a case-by-case basis).

We shoot at "NRA Official 50 Ft Light Rifle Target" (A-32) target sheets positioned 50 feet away. A match consists of three A32 targets with a total of ten record shots per target (30 shots overall). Shooters are given ten minutes to complete each A32. The highest possible score per target is 100 and the highest possible match score is 300. The five highest total scores are selected from all that shoot and those results are sent in (NLT 6pm on Friday) for that week's team score.

Each shooter is also classified/ranked according to their scores/abilities. So, even if a score doesn't get counted for the team score, it is still counted for the individual's average. You are only up against others with a similar average.

Iron Sights Only (Individual)
In addition to the standard Sporterifle competition, there is a secondary iron sights only competition. The same rules, limitations and classifications apply, except that its an individual competition only (no teams) and there is no weight limit on the rifle. You can read more in-depth rules at the NY State Sporterifle website.

Members are kept informed of team and individual Sporterifle match results and standings through weekly status reports. The team captain will print and post the standings in our indoor range. Team members also have the option of requesting an account to view the reports online.

The fees are a combination of of Sporterifle program match fees and our local range fees. This money goes towards end of season prizes for winners and of course for local club maintenance. Our fees are flat in that whether you shoot the main competition, iron sights only or both, the fee remains the same. The only difference is age-based.

  • Adult Shooters (19+): $5.00 per match. There's also a one time $2.00 equipment/registration fee.
  • Junior Shooters (12-19*): $3.00 per match
    • * They must turn 19 after 1 September for this to apply.

Access & Parking
Before coming, be sure to check the club calendar and Facebook to be advised of any schedule changes. Please also be sure to familiarize yourself with our club INDOOR RANGE SAFETY RULES. Access to the indoor range is via the clubhouse's main entrance. Simply park outside and enter via the main entrance/front door.

Sporterifle Point of Contact
For more information about our club's Sporterifle activities, please contact Frank Allen or one of our club officials.


Above- Assorted views of Sporterifle activity

Sporterifle Specifics

  • When: Next Season Starts in September 2025
  • Where: Indoor Range.
  • Who: Members and escorted guests age 12 or older.
  • Price: $3.00 for juniors and $5 for adults per match.
  • Contact: Frank Allen, administrator@bffgc.com

Sporterifle Information Resources