Skeet and Trap Fields

Skeet Area
Our skeet area is located on each side of the main club access road, just past the clubhouse and inline with the entrance to our 300 yard range. It features eight concrete pads and three skeet buildings. This facility is normally locked-up, but members can coordinate with club officials to have the area open.

The skeet field overlooks the 300 yard range and fishing pond. As a result of this, no one can be on the 300 yard range or fishing if the skeet field is already in use. Shooting takes precedence over fishing, so skeet shooters can ask fishers to vacate. If someone is already using the 300 yard range however, you must wait for them to finish. The reverse is also true- if you are using the skeet field and someone wishes to shoot on the 300 yard range, they must wait for you to finish. The only exception is for club-sponsored shoots; those always override personal usage.

We hold skeet shoots from mid-summer to mid-October on Tuesdays from 4pm until dark. Please see our Skeet Shooting activity page for more specific information.

Trap Area
Our trap area is located directly to the right of our clubhouse and is near the 50 yard range target berm. This too is kept locked up but can be made available if you make appropriate advance arrangements with club officials. While using the trap field, be sure the 50 yard range is clear. There is potential for shot to land near the target berm.

Access & Parking
Access to both fields is via the main club road. Simply park near the clubhouse and pavilion and walk over to each facility. Please do not drive or park on the trap or skeet fields.

Range Safety Rules
Before shooting or observing shooting activities on these fields, you must read and understand our club safety rules. As with all of our other facilities, please be safe and keep the fields clean. Please pick up your shot shells and do not litter. Take out whatever you bring in with you. Keep our club a safe and clean place for all members to use.

Above- Assorted views of our Skeet and Trap Facilities

Additional Skeet and Trap Resources

Important Safety Information